Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Techniques/Ideas

So we just got this team, and I am really happy about it! I hope that we can flourish here and on our etsy sites. We can help each other critique our assemblages, talk about the new techniques we have learned and just chat about whatever! I am going to write here for awhile until more people start joining and then maybe a few of us can do it together.
This post I am going to talk about what I think I might do, in the art world, next and hopefully everyone can add about their latest project. I have this thing with old dolls, not quite sure why, but I do. Anyway, I think I am going to purchase one and use parts of it in my next collage. I would love to see what else everyone is doing or thinking about doing. Then if you end up completing your idea, share it with us.
First, tell us your idea, and when/if you complete it, share it here! I think it would be fun and neat to see thoughts before it is created, then the aftermath of your artistic hamster wheel. I will leave this post up for a couple of weeks to give everyone time to complete their project.

1 comment:

  1. I have been completely fascinated with gypsies lately. A friend of mine who has gypsy blood keeps asking me to create things with gypsies. I'm loving it! I have gypsy images all over my computer and studio! I don't know how to attach a picture of my latest collage to this post, so you'll have to go to my blog to view the gypsy collage I just made.
    Sorry for the hassle!
